Saturday, November 8, 2014

Blog Tour: Fragrance Free by L.B. Dunbar

Change your destiny. 

As the third child in the Carter family, I always felt a little on the outside of the Carter charm. I worked hard and played harder, but I was getting tired of the same old scene. I was more than Jess Carter’s little sister, I wanted to be me. Pam Carter. 

It was time for a change and I wanted to be set free. 

I knew it needed to happen. After years of one night stands and too brief sexual encounters, an accident brought Fate to me. To resist his charm was my penance for years of misbehavior. The temptation to give in to my desire haunted me for almost two years, until an uncontrollable situation started the twisted path to test my resolve further.

What would it take to claim my independence and be a new, improved woman? 

I worked for Jacob Vincent, horror novelist extraordinaire, as his personal assistant, but I was adamant that the relationship remain professional. Jacob had dark demons and I couldn’t bring him into the light…or could I? Life was springing forth for me; changes were coming. I knew it was time to be set free from who I had been and who I was to start fresh with who I wanted to be. I just didn’t know where to start to change my destiny.

“He made me want him.”
Jacob sucked in a breath. “You wa…,”
Holding up a hand, I cut him off.
“He led me to think the attraction was mutual. He played me.” My voice was soft, questioning, and the darkness of Jacob’s eyes was slowing fading.
            “Why’d you do that, bastard?” Jacob narrowed his eyes at the Irish man for a split second before returning his gaze to me.
            “The thing is, it wasn’t only once. He kissed me. Twice. No three times. Even since I’ve been here with his fiancé right under his nose, he’s kissed me again.”
            “Better stop kissing around, Jacob,” Paddy laughed. I stepped toward Jacob again and he took another step back. I stopped.
            “He flirts with me, and I try so hard to ignore it, like I’m insensitive to it. Like it doesn’t affect me. But it does, Jacob. You need to stop it.” I looked directly into his wide eyes.
            “Or is it just that the homegrown apple is fun to play with? I must not have feelings because I’m from a small town?”
            “I never said that,” he spat at me.
            “Well, you didn’t defend it.” My arms flew out again in my anger. I stepped forward and Jacob stepped back, hitting his bare back on the ropes. He was pinned.
            “And to top it all off. As if finding out he was engaged wasn’t enough, the sting of that wasn’t painful enough, knowing I’d kissed him, he had to rub it in further. Stake to the heart by ear-piercing sex with her under my room. Touching her. Kissing her.” I was close enough to touch him, but I held back and Jacob leaned further against the rings.
            “You are a bastard, Jacob.” The Irish brogue was full of sympathy.
            “Hit me,” Jacob said calmly, his tone full of venom.
            “No.” I replied.
            “Hit me,” he said, closing his eyes as if he begged me to do it.
            “Never.” I softened my tone.
            “Hit me!” His angry voice was rising.
            “Never, Jacob.” I practically whispered and he took in a breath at the soft sound of his name on my lips.
            “I said, hit me, dammit.”
            “I’m not her, Jacob.”
            “Hit me,” he screamed in my face. I literally felt a breeze from his mouth and although I was shaking a little at this point, I responded calmly one last time.
            “It would never be like that with me, Jacob,” and I raised my hand. He flinched in anticipation and I rubbed my shaky fingers down the side of his sweaty face. I slid them down his cheek to cup his neck then traced the bruise with my thumb where Lucy had bit him, and his breathing began to accelerate. His solid chest, which had been rising with each response, was rapidly moving up and down now. I continued to move my hand over his hard chest muscles and I stopped over his heart, which I could feel beating rapidly through his skin. I traced a heart with my fingers around the tattoo.
Change your destiny.
My eyes leapt upward to his face, which was filled with fear. There was no other descriptor. I had not hit him, but he appeared more frightened than as if I had.
            I pulled my finger back and stepped out of his space. His breathing was still jagged and he was still pressed into the corner.
            “I’ll be up front when you’re ready.” I turned to the encouraging partner.
            “Thank you. That was exhilarating.” I smiled sweetly and exited the ring. As I walked to the entrance area, I heard the clap of hands behind me and Paddy spoke.
            “Damn. I like her. Why aren’t you marrying her?”

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I’d like to say I was always a writer. I’d also like to say that I wrote every day of my life since a child. That I took the teaching advice I give my former students because writing every day improves your writing. I’d like to say I have my ten-thousand hours that makes me a proficient writer. But I can’t say any of those things. I did dream of writing the “Great American Novel” until one day a friend said: Why does it have to be great? Why can’t it just be good and tell a story?

As a teenager, I wrote your typical love-angst poetry that did occasionally win me an award and honor me with addressing my senior high school class at our Baccalaureate Mass. I didn’t keep a journal because I was too afraid my mom would find it in the mattress where I kept my copy of Judy Blume’s Forever that I wasn’t allowed to read as a twelve year old.

I can say that books have been my life. I’m a reader. I loved to read the day I discovered “The Three Bears” as a first grader, and ever since then, the written word has been my friend. Books were an escape for me. An adventure to the unknown. A love affair I’d never know. I could be lost for hours in a book.

So why writing now? I had a story to tell. It haunted me from the moment I decided if I just wrote it down it would go away. But it didn’t. Three years after writing the first draft, a sign (yes, I believe in them) told me to fix up that draft and work the process to have it published. That’s what I did. But one story let to another, and another, and another. Then a new idea came into my head and a new storyline was created. 

I was accused (that’s the correct word) of having an overactive imagination as a child, as if that was a bad thing. I’ve also been accused of having the personality of a Jack Russell terrier, full of energy, unable to relax, and always one step ahead. What can I say other than I have stories to tell and I think you’ll like them. If you don’t, that’s okay. We all have our book boyfriends. We all have our favorites. Whatever you do, though, take time for yourself and read a book.


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Saturday, November 1, 2014

Release Day Blitz: Return Of The Wolf by Dianna Hardy

Contest and Release Day: Return Of The Wolf (Eye Of The Storm #4)

Welcome to release day!!! If you haven't picked up this latest book yet, all the information you want is below. If you haven't picked up this highly charged, dark paranormal fantasy series yet, grab it now!
Book one is just $0.99 – all info here:

Don't forget to enter the Rafflecopter contest at the bottom of this post for your chance to win paperback copies and an Amazon Gift Card!

*Early Bird Reduction: $2.99*
This book will be listed at its full price of $3.99 approximately three days after publication.
The fourth book in the dark paranormal fantasy series, Eye Of The Storm.

Lydia becomes ever closer to her three mates. However, with unrest all around, she is struggling to keep her wolves together for her first full moon, just twenty-four hours away.

A trip back home for Ryan could bring much needed support for them all, but at what cost?

As The Trident close in on Ryan's pack, the pack itself becomes divided over Lydia's presence and Lawrence is encouraged to return as the Alpha. But they don't know his secret, and he's doubtful of his ability to protect them. Can he fulfil his rightful role, or will his efforts prove fatal?

Meanwhile, among the arid plains of Egypt, in a long-forgotten city, one man is pitting himself against the beast inside him in order to find salvation, only to realise, so much more is at stake than his soul.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Release Day Blitz: Secrets of Lunar Falls by Lashell Collins

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Secrets of Lunar Falls
Media Kit
Author Lashell Collins
Genre: Paranormal/Romantic Suspense/Urban Fantasy
Publication Date: October 31, 2014

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When veterinarian, Dr. Carly Tipton, takes a new job in the tiny farming community of Lunar Falls, she expects to build a new life for herself. She expects to meet new people and have new experiences. Maybe she’s even expecting a little adventure. But what she’s not expecting is to fall head over heels in love – not with the town, and certainly not with its ruggedly sexy sheriff, Gabriel Masters. She’s also not expecting all the secrets Lunar Falls is hiding. Secrets that could destroy everything she ever believed was true about her own heritage and the family she left back home.

Gabe isn’t ready for Carly when she blows into town. That woman has the power to bring him – a man born and raised to be a GrandAlpha – to his knees, and she’s human! That simple fact alone makes her dangerous to Gabe’s position within the pack. But the fact that he can’t seem to stay away from her tells him that this woman is the one. Human or not … she’s his mate. And now Gabe has to find a way to make their bonding complete without sparking a civil war among his people.
Secrets of Lunar Falls is book one of an adult, sexy shifter romance trilogy.

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Hidden in the dense brush, he watched as the hybrid ran toward her and followed her back into the house. Then he stayed close by until he felt her fear dissipating. He hadn’t meant to frighten her. He hadn’t meant for her to sense him at all, he only wanted to check on her, make sure she was okay, just as he had done each night from the moment they’d met. And being completely honest with himself, he knew that he’d just wanted to see her. If only for a moment.

He rose from his crouching position and stood on two legs, sniffing the air and catching her delicious scent. Then he drew in a deep breath and let it out in a frustrated huff that sounded more like a growl than a sigh.

Inside the house Carly attempted to let the strange sensation go as she readied herself for bed, but when she slipped between the sheets she had difficulty falling asleep. She tossed and turned for nearly half an hour before finally drifting off. But the memory of her sensual experience in the garden lingered, even in her dreams, and Carly soon found herself in the woods at Wolf Creek, running.
She was wearing a knee-length billowy night gown and running barefoot among the trees, a smile on her face as she relished the tingle on her skin. She looked up at the bright, shining moon as she ran through the woods, and she laughed. The sound echoed all around them.


She wasn’t alone. She smiled at the wolves running all around her, running with her. She was one of them, wild and free, and they ran and ran for what seemed like hours.

Then she was standing in a clearing of the forest, her canine companions milling about around her. One of them, a large black wolf with glowing gray eyes, stepped out from among the others and walked toward her. She reached out to him, staring into his smoky eyes, and suddenly he wasn’t a wolf anymore. He was a man, crouched down before her. She smiled as Gabe Masters slowly stood, completely naked, looming tall and imposing as he stared down into her eyes. She felt his hands running along her now naked body, heating her still tingling skin. Then his hands were in her hair as he gently pulled her head back. He leaned in close, his lips and his nose lightly brushing over her skin as he sniffed her neck, inhaling deeply. An act that caused her body to shiver. Then his tongue retraced the path his nose had just taken, running from the base of her neck all the way up to the back of her ear, and she moaned loudly.

She woke with a start at the sound of her own voice, and she looked around the bedroom in a heated frenzy. Her cotton nightshirt was drenched with sweat and totally plastered to her damp skin, and she sat up wiping the thin sheen of perspiration from her forehead as she softly panted. She’d never had such a vivid erotic dream before, and never about someone she actually knew. A singer or two. Maybe the latest Hollywood hunk, but Sheriff Masters? She’d only met him a few days before, and granted the man was sexy as hell, but why was he starring in her very real, very wet dream? An erotic dream about wolves, no less.

“Shit. What is wrong with me?” she mumbled to herself.

Throwing back the covers, she got out of the bed and pulled her nightshirt over her head, stripping naked, save for the tiger’s eye necklace she rarely took off. She walked over to the armoire and opened the door of the wardrobe and took out a fresh nightgown, slipping it over her head. Then she tossed the damp one into the hamper on her way out of the room.

She walked through the dark house to the kitchen and opened the freezer, reaching in to grab a single cube of ice. Then she ran the frozen sliver of relief across her chest in an effort to cool off as she tried to push the enticing image of Gabe Masters licking her neck from her mind.

Outside, not twenty feet away, he sat at her back door, feeling her nearness. Smelling her arousal as it mingled with her mouth-watering scent and wafted through the open kitchen window. And as he sat there reveling in the essence of her, he wondered what it would feel like to really run his tongue along her beautiful neck.

Secrets of Lunar Falls Website:

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Lashell Collins is an American author of romantic suspense, contemporary and paranormal romance. She spent the last twenty years of her life working in veterinary clinics and garden centers in her home state of Ohio, and is now living her dream of writing full-time. When she's not busy tapping away on her laptop and living vicariously through her characters, she can usually be found watching TV, rocking out to Slash, stuffing her face full of Chinese food, or riding on the back of her husband's Harley-Davidson. Give her a shout, she loves to hear from readers!

Amazon Author Page:
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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Blog Tour: Instinctual by Amanda Mackey

Title: Instinctual

Author: Amanda Mackey
Blog Tour: October 27th-October 31st
Hosted By: Author Sandra Love

Do you ever get the feeling you are being watched?

How much do you trust your gut instincts? 

Kate Fitzpatrick's intuitive gift warns her that her ex-lover Jake Alexander has arrived in her idyllic hometown of Vernazza, Italy, but she tries to shrug it off as being overworked and tired.

When Jake appears in front of her in a lonely, dark alley looking sexier than ever, Kate's worst fears are confirmed.

She fights the magnetic pull between them, feeling guilty that her new boyfriend is out of town on business.

But after a serious fall that leaves Kate between life and death, she soon discovers that Jake's arrival, and their intense connection, may be the only thing that can save her…

Genre – Romance, Drama, Suspense
Recommended for ages 17+ due to sexual situations and language

Teaser: Her wall was crumbling fast as choked sobs escaped.  Her teeth clenched as she willed her body to be strong and behave.
An apology just didn’t cut it.  What a nerve thinking he could just waltz back into Vernazza and expect her to be anything other than angry with him?  What did he hope her reaction to be? 
“You’ve been stalking me!” She turned her head slightly to project her voice.
“No!  I haven’t!  I had to find you.  There is so much I need to tell you, only I didn’t expect…”
“What?  What didn’t you expect? Spit it out Jake and hurry up!” 
“Something has happened to you!  I tried to tell you earlier.  You’re in danger!”
“Danger?  The only danger I’m in is from you.  I don’t want you here.  Why can’t you understand that?”  Did he not understand English?  She’d practically spelt it out for him in every way possible. 
And he thinks I’m the stubborn one! Okay, you’re doing good Kate. Stay strong.
“I’m here to help you.  You need to hear me out.  I promise, if you listen to what I have to say and you still want me to go, I will.  I’ll go and I’ll never bother you again.”
Silence.  Jesus!  Why was she even considering this?  It was absurd.
“How do I know you’re not lying to try to get me to forgive you?”
“I wouldn’t lie about something like this. About you.  This is a life or death situation.  I’ve never been more serious about anything.  Except for my feelings for you.  They will never change.  You have to hear me out and then I’ll leave. You have my word.”

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Amanda Mackey was born in New Zealand and moved to Australia when she was 12 years old with her family, where she has lived ever since. She has loved books since an early age and is an avid reader. This has helped lay the foundation for her writing. She's published 2 non-fiction books and has her fiction novels titled, Instinctual and Instinctual 2 out now.
Amanda hopes to make writing her full time career.

Links to social media sites: Twitter -

Random Trivia About the Author:
Trivia I’d like to share:
I spend my free time avidly reading, next to spending time with family of course! I have an addiction to all things books!

My favourite part of writing is when I get an idea in my head for a book and actually start. It’s an amazing feeling to begin creating something from an idea in your head. Instinctual came to me while driving my kids to school!!

My interest in writing came about from a young age when I dabbled in writing poetry. It was a feeling inside me that beckoned to come out. I was in my early 20’s when the desire to write a full novel hit.

Advice for other writers is to continually hone your craft by learning all you can about the art of writing. I’m continually trying to improve mine! Also if you believe in yourself and your work it’s only a matter of time before others will too.

Some more needless trivia about me:
1 My favourite colour is not one but two colours. Blue and Green are equally my favourites.
2. My favourite holiday was a 6 week trip to the US when I was just 18. I travelled alone from Australia and ventured on a 3 week camping tour and then I stayed with a pen-pal whom I met for the first time for the other three weeks.
3. My most embarrassing moment was when I worked at Seaworld and a friend of mine who is a voice-over expert pretended to call me up at work, claiming she was a well-recognized television personality and I believed her!!
4. My dream vacation would be visiting the setting of Instinctual which is in Vernazza, Italy.
5. Something unique about me is that I have an extra bone near my shoulder clavicle.
6. One food I will never touch is fish eggs or roe.
7. Favourite book is a hard one because I have read so many but I would have to say the Hush Hush series – Becca Fitzpatrick.
8. Writing snack of choice is cashew nuts and coffee.
9. Top hobby I do when not writing is read, read, read.
10. My favourite animal would have to be the tiger. Would love to work with them

Blog Tour: Random Acts by Mia Kerick

Random Acts

Random Acts by Mia Kerick
Dreamspinner Press



Bradley Zelder can’t find his way in life. After struggling for nearly a decade, he has yet to complete his college degree. Working as a school custodian, living in blue-collar Landsbury, MA, his love life is as empty as the rest of his existence. But on his way home after another disastrous date, his truck breaks down in upscale Oceanside. When he thinks life can’t get any worse, a man who is the epitome of Boston elite and everything Bradley finds attractive and intimidating helps him move his truck to the side of the road. Ashamed of his lot in life, Bradley almost lets the opportunity slip away, but he comes to his senses in time and tracks Caleb down.

From a random act of kindness, romance begins to grow, filling all the dark corners of Bradley’s empty life—until a random act of violence threatens to take it all away. Bradley must step up and be the man Caleb believes him to be. Caleb rescued him from a life without hope. Can Bradley rescue him in return?  




Author Bio:

Mia Kerick is the mother of four exceptional children—all named after saints—and five nonpedigreed cats—all named after the next best thing to saints, Boston Red Sox players. Her husband of twenty years has been told by many that he has the patience of Job, but don’t ask Mia about that, as it is a sensitive subject.

Mia focuses her stories on the emotional growth of troubled young men and their relationships, and she believes that sex has a place in a love story, but not until it is firmly established as a love story. As a teen, Mia filled spiral-bound notebooks with romantic tales of tortured heroes (most of whom happened to strongly resemble lead vocalists of 1980s big-hair bands) and stuffed them under her mattress for safekeeping. She is thankful to Dreamspinner Press for providing her with an alternate place to stash her stories. 

Mia is proud of her involvement with the Human Rights Campaign and cheers for each and every victory made in the name of marital equality. Her only major regret: never having taken typing or computer class in school, destining her to a life consumed with two-fingered pecking and constant prayer to the Gods of Technology. 

Mia has published four works of adult contemporary gay romantic fiction with Dreamspinner Press and four novels of contemporary LGBT fiction with Harmony Ink Press. Mia Kerick's books are recommended reads in the LGBT blogging/reading community, have spent many weeks on Amazon Hot New Releases and LGBT Best Sellers lists, as well as other notable bestseller lists, and have won awards for excellence in YA literature. Author Links:

Twitter: @MiaKerick (
Amazon author page: 
Dreamspinner author page: 

Giveaway link: a Rafflecopter giveaway     

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Release Day Blitz: Arkadia by Dzintra Sullivan

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Title: Arkadia
Series: Halfway House
Author: Dzintra Sullivan
Genre: Paranormal Romance

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I am Arkadia Castner. I am beautiful. I am popular. I am also the most messed-up witch you will ever meet. I can’t make water boil, or make the wind blow; I can’t even light a match without the aid of a flint. My 18th birthday is in six months, and if I don’t pass the Paranormal Safety Exams (PSEs) by then, I will be banished to the Isle of Shadows for eternity, never to be seen again – it will be as though I never existed.

I found myself at the halfway house under the supervision and guidance of Den Mother and telepathic empath, Eloise Mayflower. The halfway house is the last chance for troubled paranormal teens like me to pass our PSEs and avoid banishment. Eloise knows everything I think and feel, and is supposed to be helping me, but I still can’t do basic spells a six-year-old can do. I hate it here, but I have no choice. This is my last chance.

I had all but given up hope, when in walks Bohdan Drak. Tall, dark, and so damn sexy it hurts to look at him – even his muscles had muscles. He is a dragon shifter and wears the mark of having passed his PSEs. When our souls meet, we realize we have found our soul mates and perfect matches. My dying hope has found life again, and I finally have a reason to look forward to a future.

I thought everything would be fine, but darkness and despair creep into my future. I have been framed for a murder, and everyone believes I am guilty. The paranormal council now watches my every move. Can I trust Bohdan and true love? I fear my destiny is to be banished forever …


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Arkadia got out of the car and sat on the hood, not wanting to be in the car with Sebastian any longer then she had to. All she really wanted was for someone to “see” her. Arkadia wanted someone whose eyes lit up when they saw her, someone who loved her, cared for her, protected her, and would never ever EVER let her go. She wanted her Prince Charming. Arkadia thought maybe she could hurry this along a little bit. Glancing back at Seb, she sawhe was slowly beginning to breathe a little deeper, and not listening to her inner warning bells, Arkadia began to cast a spell.

“Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty,
Bring to me the full of heart,
Find the love of my Prince Charming,
So, that we shall never part.”

Feeling a sudden gust of air, Arkadia wrapped her arms around herself, feeling very uncomfortable in her own skin. She got up, wandered back to the car, and slid down into her seat, glancing over at Sebastian to see how much longer it was going to be before they left. Her eyes widened as she looked around, Sebastian wasn’t there. “Now where did he go? If he is strong enough to walk, he can drive and I’m outta here.”She looked through the windshield to see where he had gone.
“CROOOOOAAKK.” Arkadia cast her eyes down to the frog sitting on the driver’s chair, her blood running instantly ice cold.
“Ooohhhhhhh, fooook me!”


“Have fun?” Arkadia jumped to the side with a small squeal. Looking over to where the voice had spoken so close to her, she saw Bohdan, a cheeky smirk on his face.
“Will you stop doing that? I’m going to have a heart attack!” She playfully smacked his arm.Oh my Gawd, his arm is like concrete. Bohdan looked like a Greek god, having obviously just come from the showers, his wet curls sticking to the back of his neck and water droplets slowly rolling down his bare chest, disappearing into the towel wrapped around his slim hips.Her eyes traveled back up his chest, caressing his well defined six-pack, observing that the cool breeze does in fact make men’s nipples erect. Her eyes jumped back up to his suddenly when he cleared his throat. Having been caught ogling his body, Arkadia smiled sweetly, a little extra flutter to her eye lashes for effect as she softly spoke.
“Cat has made sure that I am having a very exciting night. Thank you for asking.”
“Indeed, I must thank Cat for that,” he replied, turned, and disappeared back into thechanging rooms.


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Hello, I am a happily married mother of four amazing children. i fell in love with books as a young girl, reading Judy Blume and Enid Blyton. i progressed onto loving the supernatural genre as a teenager and never left. 

i live up in the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia.

it has always been a dream to write a book, but i have never had the self belief that i could. until this year when i celebrated my 40th birthday. it hit me, "now or never" so here i am, about to release my first novel in what i hope will be a series of 7 book.

"Arkadia" is the first bk, soon to be followed by "Raven"

i blog and run the fb page "Book Friends Forever", please come and say hello, always lots of fun and giveaways, new releases, and gossip.

it is a pleasure to meet you.. i hope to be a part of your reading life for a long time.